
Guidelines to Blogging

Some basic guidelines on blogging, if you use a service they have their own terms and conditions for posting content. You can’t just post anything, so always read the t&c's. If you don't follow their rules, your blog will probably get deleted.

If you host a blog on your own hosting account, using software like WordPress. You have full control over the content you post, so your blog won't get deleted.

What are the DOs and DON’Ts of blogging?

First the DOs:

• Do put pictures and multimedia sources to enhance the content. Could either be a vlog, photoblog, etc.

• Do base your posts with a good category structure to make it easy to find content for a particular topic.

• Do put paragraphs and sub-ideas. It’s not entertaining to read one block of manuscript. Digest it into pieces.

• Do create mutual communication between you and your readers. Answer queries without leaving your readers hanging for an answer.

• Do make your article as simple and as understandable as possible. Avoid beating around the bush. Not unless you wanted to captivate your readers with your literary prowess. Write like your talking to a friend.

• Do respect your reader’s opinions. That’s the essence of being a blogger. Accept truths. Do away with the insults.

• Do update. If you make blogging a part of your life, post as often as possible with fresh content.

Second the DON’Ts:

• Don’t go against your host’s legal boundaries. Respect their terms and conditions.

• Don’t ignore the quality of your content. Be specific with posting information.

• Don’t provoke fights. Sometimes comments can be a pain. And sometimes, none of it is true. Let it go and don't waste your energy.

• Don’t waste a post with inappropriate details that would just confuse your audience.

• Don’t copy the works of others. They might sue you for plagiarism for this. Produce something original. Imitations trigger criticisms.

• Don’t be afraid to advertise. It’s one way to make your blog famous among the masses. Go to other sites and leave your blog address. It’s a matter of give and take.

• Don’t attack individuals, companies or fellow bloggers. Show respect. If you disagree with an opinion, tell it with caution.

• Don’t disregard your responsibilities. Journalism still has its price. Being able to write in a liberated way doesn’t erase you of your obligations.

Most internet sites like Yahoo! and IBM publish their guidelines on blogging. It is intended to be read, understood, and accepted by the blogger. Obey certain rules and policies. It won’t do you wrong. Libelous materials could cause you problems, so better follow the rules.

By your GoodBuddy
Richard La Compte
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